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- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery; Controlled hypotension;Nitroglycerin; Esmolol; Average Category Scale;Fromme 1
- Functional outcome of primary total hip arthroplasty in elderly patients with fracture neck of femur – a prospective study 1
- Fungal infections, M 1
- Fungal keratitis manifests 1
- Galectin 1
- Galectin- 3, immunohistochemistry, PTC, papillary thyroid hyperplasia. 1
- Galectin-3 2
- Gastrointestinal Cutaneous Fistulae 1
- Gastrointestinal Radiology, Multidetector Computed Tomography, Bowel Lesion 1
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumour 1
- GB= Gall Bladder, 2- South India, 3- Variations, 4-Morphological 1
- Gen Medicine 3
- Gen Surgery 3
- Gen surgery 1
- Gen-Medicine 5
- Gen-Suregery 2
- Gender, Gender discrimination, Bijapur district, Breastfeeding 1
- Gene 1
- general anesthesia, 1