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- heel-stick injury 1
- Hemangioma, Scrotal swelling 1
- Hematological 1
- Hematological Abnormalities 1
- Hematological changes 1
- Hematological scoring system, immature to mature neutrophils ratio, immature to total neutrophils ratio, neonatal sepsis 1
- hematotoxicity 1
- hematotoxin snake venom proteins 1
- Hematuria, Proteinuria, Microscopy, School aged children, renal disease 1
- Hemiagenesis 1
- hemiarthroplasty 1
- Hemodynamic 1
- hemodynamic pressor response, laryngoscopy, intubation, clonidine, pregabalin 1
- Hemoglobin 2
- hemoglobin 1
- Hemoglobinopathies 1
- Hemophilia 1
- hemorrhage 1
- Heparin, heparin‑induced thrombocytopenia, non‑vitamin K oral anticoagulants, warfarin, warfarin‑induced skin necrosis 1
- hepatic diseases 1