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- Heriya Nagarikar 1
- Hernia ; Inguinal canal; Ilio inguinal Nerve ; Neuralgia; Neurectomy; Groin. 1
- hernia, pain, hematoma, wound infection, complication 1
- Herpes simplex, Erythema Multiforme, target lesions, acyclovir 1
- HFV = Height of Fourth ventricle, WFV = Width of Fourth Ventricle, LRFLV = Length of Right Frontal Horn of Lateral Ventricle, LLFHLV= Length of Left Frontal Horn of Lateral Ventricle. 1
- Hiatus Hernia 1
- Hicrome agar-Candida, C. albicans, C. tropicalis. 1
- hidradenoma,Skin Adnexal neoplasm 1
- hidyadenoma 1
- HIF-1α, hypoxia, NOS, oxidative stress, Pb, VEGF, vitamin C. 1
- High Level Resistance 1
- High Risk pregnancy, Profile, Ante natal Clinic 1
- Hind brain agenesis, Miller-Dieker syndrome, Cerebellar lissencephalic syndrome 1
- Hip bone, anterior border, sex determination, parameters. 1
- Histomorphological patterns of skin adnexal tumors 1
- Histopathological evaluation of testicular biopsies in male infertility 1
- histopathology 1
- Histopathology, Imprint cytology, Scrape cytology, Ovary. 2
- HIV infection, Opportunistic infection, Tuberculosis. 1