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- Last couple of decades several discoveries 1
- Latent Tuberculosis Infection, Healthcare Workers, 1
- leiomyosarcoma; spermatic cord; paratesticular; surgical procedures 1
- Leprosy, Contact screening, Contact tracing 1
- leprosy,self-care,anesthesiology 1
- Leprosy; Fluorescent microscopy; Modified Fite – Faraco stain; ZN stain. 1
- Leukopenic Blood 1
- Levetiracetam, Neonatal Seizures. 1
- Levetiracetam, Phenobarbital, Neonatal Seizures 1
- Levobupivacaine 1
- Library services 1
- Lichan Planus 1
- Lichen Planus, Direct Immunoflourescence, Fibrinogen, IgM, IgG, IgA, C3 and Colloid bodies. 1
- Lichenoid tissue reaction, Lichen eruption, Lichen planus, Histopathology 1
- ligand-protein docking 1
- Ligating 1
- Ligature mark, pattern, strangulation 1
- Limb 2
- limbal 1
- limitations 1