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Showing results 1462 to 1481 of 2415
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- Meconium aspiration syndrome, Meconium stained amniotic fluid, Dexamethasone, Downe‘s score, Apgar score. 1
- Medical social work, Health for all 1
- Medical Student, Smoking, Tobacco 1
- Medication error, labeling, sterile field 1
- Medicine 15
- Medico-legal case; Police intimation; Medical practice; Legal obligation. 1
- melanocytes 1
- Melanoma 1
- Melanoma, Polyp, Colonoscopy, Computed tomography (CT), S-100, Abdominoperineal resection. 1
- Melanonychia striata 1
- Melatonin, Bedsore, Urine Therapy 1
- Meld Score 1
- mellitus 1
- membrane cholessterol, membrane phosplipids, membrane Phospholipids/ cholesterol ratio 1
- membranous 1
- Meningomylocele we have reported a case ofcervicalmen 1
- Menopause, lipid profile, ASCVD 1
- mentagrophyte 1
- mental foramen, dental surgeries, sympysis menti 1
- Meropenem 1