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Showing results 1958 to 1977 of 2415
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- Pulmonary functions, obesity 1
- Pulmonary functions, Residential school children,Non-Residentialschoolchildren,respiratorystatus. 1
- Pulse oximetry 1
- Pustulosis 1
- PVDF 1
- PXRD 1
- Pyoderma, community acquired MRSA 1
- pyoderma, Staphylococcus aureus, multidrug resistance, phage typing 1
- Pyometra, Pneumoperitoneum, Uterine perforation 1
- QR-enabled Museum 1
- Quality of life 1
- Quantitative buffy coat (QBC), Peripheral smear, pLDH (plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase), HRP 2 (Histidine rich protein 2), malarial parasite 1
- Radial neck fracture, extra articular k wire, closed reduction 1
- Radiological Study of the Hand and Wrist in Different Age Groups upto 20 Years of Age (In Persons of North Karnataka) 1
- Radiology 13
- Randomised Comparative Study of tension Free Mesh Hernioplasty Done Under Local Anaesthesiaversus 1
- Rapid 1
- Rapid biomarker detection 1