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- Tympanometric Assessment of Eustachain Tube Function as a Prognostic Indicator in Myringoplasty 1
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Dyslipidemia, Poor Glycemic Control, High Triglycerides, Hypertriglyceridemia, Cardiovascular Disease, Glycated Hemoglobin, HbA1c 1
- Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Serum ferritin, Glycated hemoglobin 1
- Type 2 diabetes, membrane cholesterol, Glucose uptake. 1
- type-2 diabetes FVC FEV1 FEV1% PEFR MEP Lung function tests FBS PPBS 1
- Type2 diabetes, PEFR, Lung functions, MEP 1
- Type2 diabetes; FVC (ml); FEV1(ml); FEV1%; PEFR(lt/min); MEP (mmHg) ;Lung function tests. 1
- Ulna, Bone Cement, 1
- Ultra Sonography Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Mass Per Abdomen 1
- Ultrasonic Pachymetry 1
- Ultrasonographic 1
- Ultrasonography 2
- ultrasonography 1
- Ultrasonography, Brachial Plexus, Nerve Block 1
- Ultrasonography, Organopathy, Renal doppler 1
- Ultrasound 1
- Ultrasound image wavelet transform 1
- Umbilical artery Doppler, 1
- Unicornuate uterus, Rudimentary horn, Hematometra 1
- Unnatural Deaths, Dowry Deaths, Road traffic accidents. 2