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Showing results 385 to 404 of 2415
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- Biochemistry and FSC 1
- Biofilm 1
- Biofilm, Microtitre Plate method, Tube adherence method, Congo red agar method. 1
- Biomaterial 1
- Biomedical Waste Management, Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, Health Care Workers 1
- biopolar 1
- Biosensors in healthcare 1
- Biotechnology 3
- Birth weight and APGAR score 1
- Birth weight, Birth length, Intrauterine growth, Nicotine metabolite 1
- Birth weight, Gestational age, Risk factors, ROP 1
- Bispectral index analysis for the quality of recovery in patients undergoing elective laparoscopic surgeries: a comparative study 1
- black tea extract 1
- Black tea extract, indomethacin, testicular damage, vitamin E 1
- bladder outlet obstruction 1
- Bladder, TCC, Paraganglioma 1
- Blindness, Handicap, Low vision, Visual impairment 1
- Blood 2
- Blood components, pediatric patients, transfusion audit 1
- Blood culture, brucella, clot culture, conventional, lysis concentration 1