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Showing results 41 to 60 of 2415
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- A Comparative Study Of Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing And Auramine-Rhodamine Stain Microscopy With Culture Method In The Diagnosis Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1
- A comparative study of collagen dressing with moist gauze dressing in diabetic foot ulcers 1
- A comparative study of epidural buprenorphine and tramadol for postoperative analgesia in lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries 1
- A Comparative Study of Myringoplasty Underlay Technique with and without Anterior Anchorin of Graft 1
- A Comparative study of physical fitness and pulmonary functions in residential and non residential school children of Bijapur 1
- A comparative study to know the efficacy of intrathecal nalbuphine versus intrathecal fentanyl as an adjuvant to bupivacaine for lower limb surgeries 1
- A Concept of Management of Disability 1
- A Cross Sectional Clinical Study of Papulosquamous Disorders in Children 1
- A cross sectional study on thyroid function test and antithyroid peroxidase antibodies in children upto 18 years with vitilgo 1
- A cross sectional study to determine various causes of diffuse hair loss in women 1
- A folow up study on newly detected sputum positive pulmonary tuberculosis cases on anti tubercular Treatment in Bijapur talik 1
- A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study To Determine The Correlation Between The Nailfold Capillaroscopy And Retinal Microvascular Changes In Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus In A Tertiary Care Centre 1
- A hospital based longitudinal study to determine the efficacy of topical viable BCG and salicyclic acid in the treatment of viral warts 1
- A previously normal, 15monthold boy, born at term to nonconsanguineous parents, was hospitalized for generalized tremors for 3 days. 1
- A profile of ocular trauma in patients attending shri b.m. patil medical college and hospital, vijayapura 1
- A Prospective clinical study of surgical management of intracapsular fracture neck femur with hemiarthroplasty using cemented biopolar Prosthesis 1
- A Prospective Comparative Study Ofmini Laparoscopic And Conventionallaparoscopic Cholecystectomy 1
- A Prospective Observational Study of Prevalance of Group B Streptococci in Anovaginal Florain Pregnant Women after 28 Weeks of Gestation 1
- A prospective randomized clinical study to compare the effect of buprenorphine and fentanyl as adjuvants to bupivacaine for post operative epidural analgesia in lower limb orthopedic surgeries 1
- A Prospective Study of Anatomical Variations of Osteomeatal Complex in Chronic Rhinosinusitis 1