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Title: SkIndia Quiz 30: A cystic nodule in the periorbital region. (SKIndia Quiz 30)
Authors: Vishalakshi S Pandit, Arun C Inamadar Aparna Palit M Sneha
Keywords: A 20‑year‑old lady presented with an asymptomatic lesion around her right eye since one year
Issue Date: Nov-2016
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: There was no history of bleeding, discharge from the lesion or ulceration. No history of seasonal variation, or family history of similar lesions. Clinical examination showed a single, sessile, translucent skin‑colored, dome‑shaped nodule seen near right medial canthus of eye [Figure 1]. The surfaceof the nodule was smooth. Hair, nail, mucous membranes, general physical, and systemic examinations were normal. A punch biopsy was done from the nodule. Histopathological features from hematoxylin and eosin‑stained tissue section are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
ISSN: 22295178
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Dermatology

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