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dc.contributor.authorIshwar B Bagoji, MA Doshi, Gavishiddappa A Hadimani, Balappa M Bannur.-
dc.description.abstractBasilar artery (BA) fenestrations are the most frequently observed variant of the cerebral arteries. During routine dissections for medical students we found fenestration at the proximal basilar trunk. The fenestration in our report was not associated with aneurysms and collateral branches. The window was measured 10 mm long. The left limb of the fenestration had a transverse diameter of 6 mm. The right limb had a lesser transverse diameter of 1.8 mm. Variations and fenestration of basilar artery influences occurrence of atherosclerosis and aneurysms, and is also important during cerebrovascular surgery and interventional neuroradiology at the basilar bifurcation, interpeduncular fossa and clivus.en_US
dc.publisherBLDE(Deemed to be University)en_US
dc.subjectFenestration of Proximal Segmenten_US
dc.titleFenestration of Proximal Segment of the Basilar Artery.en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Anatomy

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