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Title: Prevalence of comparative study of metopism in north and South Indian Human Crania.
Authors: Patil BG, Makandar UK Abdul Ravoof Rajendra R
Keywords: Regional, Sexual Dimorphism, Environment, Nutritional
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: 1189. Non-Pathological adult crania are studied, out of them 510 Male crania and 251 Female crania are from North India while 285 Male and 143 Female crania are from South India. Prevalence of Metopism in the North Indian Male crania is 12 crania (2.35%) and female crania is 5 Crania (1.99%) while. In South Indian Crania the prevalence of Metopism was in Male 11 Crania (3.85%) in female it was 5 Crania (3.49%). It is observed that, Prevalence was more in South Indian Crania of both sexes as compared to North India. It is also observed that, Prevalence of Metopism is more in Male Crania of North India & South Indian Crania compared to female crania of both North and South India. Previous workers have studied only regional or racial skull but the sexual dimorphism and regional comparison this study appears to be new method.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Anatomy

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