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Title: Absence of Forearm and Hand - A Rare Case Presentation.
Authors: Dayanand BB, Monish Bami, Deepesh Daultani, Yogesh Mapari.
Keywords: Congenital anomalies, Upper limb, Prosthesis
Issue Date: Jul-2013
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: Congenital anomalies affect 1% to 2% of newborns, and approximately 10% of those children have upper-extremity abnormalities. The hemimelias can have three additional descriptions: complete, partial and paraxial. Case Report: We present a rare case of 4 year old female child who presented to our department with the absence of distal humerus, elbow joint, forearm and hand since birth. On examination, the patient
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Orthopedics

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