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Title: Reduction in lung functions in type 2 diabetes in Indian population: correlation with glycemic status.
Authors: Anand R Dharwadkar , Asha A Dharwadkar , Banu G, Bagali S.
Keywords: type-2 diabetes FVC FEV1 FEV1% PEFR MEP Lung function tests FBS PPBS
Issue Date: Jun-2011
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate pulmonary functions in patients with Type-2 diabetes mellitus and to determine their correlation with glycemic status of diabetes in Indian population. Forty Type-2 diabetic patients, aged 30-60 years, with diabetic duration of 1-20 years, were included in the study. FVC, FEV1, & FEV1% are recorded by Benedict’s Roth spirometer. PEFR and MEP were recorded by Wright’s Peak flow meter & Modified Black’s apparatus. Glycemic status of subjects was determined by FBS & PPBS by Glucose oxidase & peroxidase methods. And
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physiology

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