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Title: Bhastrika Pranayama : A longitudinal study of its effect on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, MEP & PEFR of healthy young students.
Authors: Mullur Lata M, Khodnapaur Jyoti P Aithala Manjunatha Pati Satish G
Keywords: Bhastrika pranayama, Blood pressure, Heart rate, MEP, PEFR.
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: : Pranayama has a very important role in the yogic system of exercises for keeping sound health. Bhastrika Pranayama imitates the action of the 'Bhastika' or 'bellows' & fans the internal fire, heating the physical & subtle bodies. The most important physiological effects of Bhastrika is on the brain & heart.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physiology

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