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dc.contributor.authorJyoti Parameswarappa, Basavaraj V Peerapur Basavaraj C Metri-
dc.description.abstractEnterococci, though commensals in adult feces are important nosocomial pathogens. The most common nosocomial infection caused by these organisms is urinary tract infection. Objectives: (1) To isolate and speciate enterococci from cases of urinary tract infection. (2) To know antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the isolates. (3) To determine high level aminoglycoside resistance (HLAR) among the isolates. Methods: Identification and speciation of the isolates were done by the standard conventional methods. Antibacterial susceptibility pattern was determined by standard disc diffusion method and HLAR by using gentamicin (120 μg) and streptomycin (300 μg) discs.en_US
dc.publisherBLDE(Deemed to be University)en_US
dc.subjectEnterococci, high level aminoglycoside resistance, urinary tract infectionen_US
dc.titleIsolation, identification, and antibiogram of enterococci isolated from patients with urinary tract infection.en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Microbiology

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