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Title: Nephrogenic fibrosing dermaopathy.
Authors: Ragunatha S, Aparna Palit Arun C Inamadar Ravindra M Madaraki Yelikar BR
Keywords: Nephrogenic Þbrosing dermopathy, Nephrogenic systemic Þbrosis, Dialysis, Renal failure
Issue Date: Jan-2009
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: An adult female patient on hemodialysis for chronic renal failure presented with large, brownish, and indurated plaques with bound-down skin on both lower limbs and abdomen along with difficulty in movement of the legs. Histopathological features revealed thick collagen bundles admixed with mucin and intercalating spindle-like cells characteristic of nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy (NFD).
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Dermatology

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