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dc.contributor.authorLata M, Jyoti Khodnapur Manjunatha A Shrilaxmi B-
dc.description.abstractYoga has sound scientific basis and an ideal tool for improving health of our masses. There is evidence that the practice of yoga improves physical and mental performance. Although there are a number of reports on the effect of yoga, very few studies have been undertaken on the effect of yoga training on respiratory endurance and muscle strength in elderly individuals. Hence, the present study was undertaken to study the effect of yoga training on maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), 40 mmHg endurance test, breath holding time after expiration (BHTexp), breath holding time after inspiration (BHTinsp), and hand grip strength (HGS).en_US
dc.publisherB.L.D.E.(Deemed to be University)en_US
dc.subjectYoga, Elderly individuals, Maximal Expiratory Pressure, Breath Holding Time, Hand Grip Testen_US
dc.titleStudy of short term yoga training effect on respiratory endurance and muscle strength in elderly individuals.en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physiology

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