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Title: Comparative study of different staining techniques - Ziehlneelsen stain, gabbet's stain, fluorochrome stain for detecting of mycobacterium tuberculosis in the sputum.
Authors: Shahapur PR, Balakrishna J Chakradhar P Hussain Saheb S
Keywords: acid-fast bacilli; auramine-0; fluorescence; microscopy; tuberculosis; Ziehl-Neelsen.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: B.L.D.E.(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: WHO in 1993 declared, Tuberculosis (TB) as a global emergency that has affecting mankind since early times, it is prevalent in India and one of the leading causes of death. Sputum examination is cornerstone to diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Sputum microscopy is helpful to assess the response to treatment and to establish cure or failure at the end of treatment .There are two microscopic systems used to demonstrate the acid-fast bacilli(AFB), in the sputum to diagnosis pulmonary tuberculosis :bright field or ordinary microscopy and fluorescence microscopy.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Microbiology

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