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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 107
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-04-15Acute myocarditis in children with scorpion sting envenomationPrakash, VJ; Patil, MM; Patil, SV; Kalyanshettar, SS; Mohd, Shannawaz; Anil kumar, Sajjan
2021-01Study comparing the efficacy of Caffeine vs. Theophylline in Asphyxiated newborn for prevention of AKI.P Jagruthi, RH Gobbur.
2021-05Feasibility of minimal enteral nutrition in neonates with perinatal asphyxia during therapeutic hypothermia: A randomized controlled trial.Trimal Kulkarni, Siddu Charki, Vijayakumar Biradar, Tanmaya Tyagaraj, Anju T, MM Patil, SS Kalyanshettar, SV Patil.
2021-05Experience of COVID-19 infections in neonates in tertiary care centre in north karnataka, India: A prospective cohort study.Siddu Charki, Gamini B S, Vijayakumar Biradar, Sangamesh Matapathi, M M Patil, S S Kalyanshettar, S V Patil.
2021-01Effect of phototherapy on serum calcium levels in neonates receiving double surface LED phototherapy for neonatal jaundice.Rakesh Balamkar, Anilkumar Sajjan, Santosh Byakod, SS Kalyanshettar
2021-01Utilization of Foot Length as a Non-Invasive Anthropometric Measurement in Neonates Admitted to the NICU in a Tertiary Care Centre in North Karnataka, India.Charki S, Kulkarni T, Shariat M, Biradar V, Shannawaz M, Patil MM, Kalyanshettar SS, Patil SV.
2020-11Experience of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in Neonates in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in North Karnataka, India- A Prospective Cohort Study.Siddu Charki, Vijayakumar Biradar, Trimal Kulkarni, Mallikarjun Utagi, M M Patil, S S Kalyanshettar, S V Patil.
2020-09Bacteriological Profile and Antibiotic Sensitivity and Resistance Pattern of Neonatal Sepsis in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in North Karnataka, India- A Prospective Observational Study.-
2021-01Utilization of Foot Length as a Non-Invasive Anthropometric Measurement in Neonates Admitted to the NICU in a Tertiary Care Centre in North Karnataka, India.Charki S, Kulkarni T, Shariat M, Biradar V, Shannawaz M, Patil MM, Kalyanshettar SS, Patil SV.
2020-09Utility of a clinical pharmacist in the pediatric intensive care unit to identify and prevent medication errors.Ramaning Loni, Siddu Charki, Trimal Kulkarni, Mahesh Kamale, Laxman H Bidari.
2020-09Continuous Vs Intermittent Phototherapy In The Management Of Non-Hemolytic Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia - A Randomized Non - Inferiority Study.Mallanagouda M Patil, Gowthami G S, Hidaytullah R Bijapure, Anil Kumar Sajjan, S S Kalyanshettar, S V Patil.
2020-09A Case of ALERD Masquerading as Paracetamol Poisoning.Siddarameshwar S Kalyanshettar, Shankargouda V Patil, Prakash VJ, Asif Mahaldar and Prashant Teggi.
2020Randomized Open-Label Study to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, and Mefenamic Acid in Febrile ChildrenG Tharun Reddy, R H Gobbur, S V Patil.
2020Utility of Foot Length as a Non-Invasive Anthropometric Measurement in Neonates Admitted in NICU in A Tertiary Care Centre in North Karnataka, India.Charki S, Kulkarni T, Biradar V, Shannawaz M, Patil M, Kalyanshettar S, Patil S.
2020Serum vitamin D status among critically ill children with respiratory infections.Kalyanshettar S S, Sanjeevani Umarani, M M Patil, SV Patil.
2020Platelet count in culture positive neonatal sepsis and its correlation with specific causative organism - a prospective cohort study.Siddu Charki, Trimal Kulkarni, Vijayakumar S Biradar, SS Kalyanshettar.
2020Early Morbidities & Mortality among SGA and AGA Preterm Neonates in South India.Kalyanshettar, S S, Madhu Nadagouda, S V Patil.
2019Vitamin D deficiency in term newborn and efficacy of oral vitamin D supplement.Tanmay D Dhanashetti, RH. Gobbur, SV. Patil.
2019Electrolyte abnormalities in critically ill children.Keerthidarshini Khanappan, S S Kalyanshettar, S V Patil, Bhavana lakhkar, R H Gobbur, A S Akki.
2019Can moms give up bottle feeding?: retrospective analytic study to promote breast feeding.Anil Kumar Sajjan, Ravi Kumar Baradol
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 107