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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 128
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-05Annular, erythematous skin lesions in a neonate.Palit A, Inamadar AC.
2012-04Multiple firm mobile swellings over the scalp.Adya KA, Inamadar AC, Palit A.
2016-04Solitary firm nodule on the palm.Adya KA, Inamadar AC, Palit A.
2016Modification of tool used in self-care of anesthetic hands and feet in patients with leprosyAparna Palit, Arun C Inamadar.
2017-10White rosettes in discoid lupus erythematosus: a new dermoscopic observation.Keshavmurthy A Adya, Balachandra S Ankad, Swapnil D Shah,
2017Prof. K. Siddappa (1931–2017).Arun C Inamadar.
2017-04Giant Pedunculated Tumour on the Finger.Adya KA, Inamadar AC, Palit A.
2017Prof. K. Siddappa (1931–2017).Arun C Inamadar.
2011Nipple pacifier like blister over middle finger.Inamadar AC, Palit A.
2012Keratotic papule with a collarette of skin.Adya KA, Palit A, Inamadar AC.
2012Nails: Diagnostic clules to genodermatoses.Inamadar AC, Palit A.
2013Paradoxes in dermatology.Keshavmurthy A Adya, Arun C Inamadar, Aparna Palit.
2014Reticulate Dermatoses.Keshavmurthy A Adya, Arun C Inamdar, Aparna Palit.
2016Anticoagulants in dermatology.Keshavmurthy Adya, Arun C Inamdar, Aparna Palit.
2017Sudden-Onset Reddish-Brown Macules on the Palms and Soles of Two Children..Arun C Inamadar, Gourish Laad, Swapnil Shah
2017Innovative Cooling Jacket to Combat Heat Intolerance in Children with Anhidrosis.Arun C Inamadar, Aparna Palit, Neha Khurana.
2018-11Flexural scaly papules and plaques.Keshavmurthy A Adya, Arun C Inamadar, Aparna Palit.
2018-07Proportionate growth of congenital nevi: Blow a balloon to explain.Arun C. Inamadar, Aparna Palit.
2018-07The strawberry tongue: What, how and where?Keshavmurthy A Adya, Arun C Inamadar, Aparna Palit.
2018-01Dermatoses with “collarette of skin”.Adya KA, Inamadar AC, Palit A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 128